Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course for Parents and Caregivers

A small tower of stones on a table in front of a leafy background

Due to the popularity of the last MBSR course, we will be offering the course again this spring for all CHN members.

What is MBSR?

The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program was originally developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979 to help people learn to better cope and live with stress. Mindfulness has been described by Dr. Kabat-Zinn as “the awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” Through mindfulness-based practices, participants develop increased present-moment awareness of experience as it arises, including the thought, emotional, and behavioural patterns that tend to occur in relation to stressful situations. Participants learn that, though they cannot always change the circumstances in which they find themselves, they can choose how to respond more clearly and skillfully, and less reactively, when faced with difficult situations.

Sessions will be held virtually in eight 2.5-hour classes on Wednesday evenings, plus an orientation and a half-day retreat. Participants will be asked to commit 40–60 minutes of daily practice on their own time, as the learning is experiential.

Dates and cost

First class:  Wednesday, April 6, 6:00–9:00 pm (includes a half-hour orientation)

Following classes: Wednesday evenings, April 13 to May 25, 6:30–9:00 pm, plus a half-day mini retreat on Saturday, May 14, 10 am–2:30 pm.

Cost: $450 per participant will be covered by CHN; registrants only need to cover a $30 registration fee

Orientation will provide an overview and set the context for participation in the program. The program consists of formal meditation practices (including the body scan, gentle yoga, and sitting meditation), which are learned during the weekly sessions and practised at home. In addition, informal practices are introduced as a way to incorporate mindfulness into everyday life.

Each weekly session focuses on one particular topic, some of which include:

  • The “being mode of mind”
  • Stress and stress reactivity
  • Skillful choices and self-care
  • Mindful communication

Time is given for participants to share what they experienced during the exercises and to talk about their daily mindfulness practice outside of class. Participants do not require any previous understanding of or experience with mindfulness or meditation in order to attend.

If you would like to register for this course, please email Sam at saitken@childrensheartnetwork.org. Space is limited.