Lower Mainland Hearts of Gold Go Whale-Watching

CHN Hearts of Gold group photo

By Cole Renner

The Lower Mainland Hearts of Gold (HOG) crew took to the high seas for a whale-watching adventure on April 24.

The trip got off to an interesting start as a grocery bag floating in the water got sucked up into the jet engine of the boat! After some careful and skillful manoeuvring by the captain, we were on our way.

The expedition went all the way to the Gulf Islands (which took no time at all with the speed and power of the vessel) where the HOGs were treated to seeing not one, not two, but three orcas swimming in the water! They lingered by the surface for over 45 minutes and were resting, which gave everyone an incredible opportunity for pictures. To see the beauty and size of the whales was a truly unforgettable experience! ♥

CHN Hearts of Gold group photo on the dock

CHN Hearts of Gold group photo on the boat

“Lower Mainland Hearts of Gold Go Whale-Watching” is from our summer 2022 newsletter, Heart Matters. See our Newsletters page for more stories and to subscribe.