CHN wants our members to enjoy a backyard family night. (Then send us your photos!)
Sadly, due to COVID-19, we aren’t able to host our usual summer event at the water slides.
Instead, we want to send you a package for your family to enjoy one summer evening. We will mail you a gift card to order Domino’s Pizza and a s’mores kit! If you don’t have access to a fire pit or BBQ, you can make your own using a ceramic pot or warm the s’mores in your oven.
Send your photos, if you wish, to our Dropbox, and we can share with other heart families so you can see all your friends having fun. And most importantly, we want you to have fun!
Email your address to
Please ensure your CHN membership is up to date. To join or renew, visit CHN’s CanadaHelps page, and select “CHN Membership” from the drop-down menu. It is $25 per family per year.
After your fun night, drop your photos into this Dropbox folder:
We will do our very best to accommodate all requests; however, we may have a limited supply.
Be kind, be calm, be safe!