Fontan Education Day 2024
If you missed the Fontan Education Day and would like to access the materials you can access them online now. Link to website HERE
If you missed the Fontan Education Day and would like to access the materials you can access them online now. Link to website HERE
Mark your calendars because on August 24th, we’re going to Cultus Lake waterpark for the day!
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Physical activity is important for heart health for people of all ages. Dr. Kevin Harris’s research has focused on physical activity in children with congenital heart disease.
For families with children/young adults with aortic enlargement.
Led by physicians and clinicians, and packaged in a fun and lighthearted approach, children aged 8–15 with a Fontan are given a safe space to meet other kids with Fontan, learn more about their own heart, and ask any questions they may have.
I have encountered setbacks and challenges in my life. However, it is the power of support and a growth mindset that have helped me become the resilient and positive person I am today.
BC Children’s Hospital patients (past and present!) are invited to volunteer at the CPKC Women’s Open golf tournament.
Our heart journey began with our 22-week ultrasound, which had to be redone several times—Winston was always in the wrong position, and they couldn’t get a clear reading of his heart.
Parents of children with CHD are invited to participate in a psychology study.