The Children’s Heart Network is a British Columbia based non-profit organization offering support, information, and education to families, children, and youth who are living with acquired or congenital heart disease (CHD). If your child or someone you love has been diagnosed with heart disease, we are here to help.
One baby out of every 100 is born with heart disease.
This year in British Columbia, another 500 families will receive the news that their child has a heart defect. Half of those children will require medical intervention.
With amazing medical advances and innovative surgical techniques, most children with heart disease have every opportunity to live long, full, and productive lives. But the care and worry don’t end once a child leaves the hospital.
For families whose children have been diagnosed with heart disease, many of their hopes and dreams are different from what they planned. They are challenged in ways they never could have imagined. When a child is first diagnosed with CHD, the family’s most familiar supports can seem distant, leaving them feeling isolated and alone.
CHD affects the entire family, so we support and connect families. We understand that children and families affected by CHD may face many challenges, and we believe that other families are one of the best sources of support and one of the best resources available to other families. The Children’s Heart Network is made up of families who are travelling down the same road, although each family’s journey will be unique.
The Children’s Heart Network was formed in 1992 so that no family would have to embark on the journey alone. We support children and families through a parent resource program and by providing fun social opportunities so that families can connect and support one another. We also organize summer camps, coffee groups, and workshops and conferences, and we provide news and information through our newsletter and website.
With the Children’s Heart Network, children and their families can connect to find strength and understanding from those who face similar challenges.